Friday, 18 October 2013

LFF Review: 12 Years a Slave

It seems almost redundant at this point to compare Steve McQueen's third film and potential breakthrough into Hollywood to Quentin Tarantino's blood-spattered "Southern" Django Unchained, and yet, it also seems impossible not to. After all, the films are so similar, and so very different. Having watched Django just a few days ago, it remains all too fresh in my head. And while, at the beginning of the year, I was very much sold on Django as a film that managed to combine both the suffering of slavery with unmistakably Tarantino-ish gestures, (blood, feet... more blood...) 12 Years a Slave without a doubt is greater than Django (and this comes from an undying Tarantino fan), and, in all honesty, most films that have so far been released this year.

The film tells the real-life tale of Solomon Northup, a freeborn black man and classical violinist, who is unwittingly kidnapped on a trip to Washington. From here, Northup is sold into slavery, and is put through a series of harrowing ordeals as a slave. For TWELVE WHOLE YEARS. So far, so white guilt, but unlike pretty much every director who's made a film about slavery, McQueen (who is himself black, though really his race should be irrelevant with regards to this film) is surprisingly unsentimental. He doesn't need to be. The thought of slavery alone is a horrible one, and there are scenes in this film that had me crying without the saccharine melodrama of Hollywood. So while, with all slavery films, we can see that the white slave owners are of course in the wrong, we don't cheer when wrong befalls them like we do when Django shoots someone in the genitals. Probably because everybody is too busy sobbing into their popcorn.

One thing that has been universally heralded are the performances. You may hear the words "power-house" thrown around in the next few months, and these descriptions are completely accurate. Chiwetel Ejifor has always been a remarkable actor, from Love Actually to the brilliant Dirty Pretty Things, and now finally comes the time for him to be revealed as the star that he really is. If he doesn't receive Best Actor come January, I'm sure a lot of people, myself included, will be eating their proverbial hats. Also astonishing and award-worthy is newcomer Lupita Nyong'o as fellow slave Patsey, the unfortunate object of her master's lust and mistresses hatred. In fact, it feels a little mean to draw just those two actors out of an ensemble who are all at the top of their game. I've had many reasons to be angry at Michael Fassbender over the years, (the domestic abuse claim, the time he ordered his drink wrong in Inglorious Basterds...) but working for the third time with McQueen and back in the crazy zone, he is brilliant.

I feel a little cruel writing this review as I remember that this film isn't actually out in the UK until 2014. But I haven't felt such a strong sense of passion, a sense of "everything about that was perfect" about a film for a long while. It seems incredible that such a film about slavery can really have been made by a British man, but it's true. When we come to look back on slavery, when children are educated and we come to reflect on 2013/14 in film, 12 Years a Slave will, I'm sure, instantly jump out. McQueen has added yet another classic to an ever-flourishing career.

Grace Barber-Plentie

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